Black and white cat on a small table on a balcony.
Gear and Safety,  How To

Choosing The Best Catio For Your Cat This Spring

Spring has sprung!

Now that the weather is getting warmer, you may be starting to get outside more. You may have taken a break from adventures during the winter, or maybe took your cat out less frequently. But now they may be itching to get back outside again. One great way to get your cat outside safely is with a catio.


If hiking or adventuring with your cat is not something you or your cat enjoys, there are so many great items you can get to give your cat the outdoor time still. There are so many benefits to taking your cat outside, including fresh air, mental stimulation, physical exercise, and more. Getting more fresh air and stimulation can also tire them out more during the day, so they sleep better at night. That’s right, this can help limit those 3AM zoomies and let you get some longer, uninterrupted sleep!


Here are some of our favorite products that can be useful for your cat this spring!


A catio is an enclosed area that your cat can hang out in outside. This gives them access to the fresh air, sights, and sounds of being outside, yet keeps them safe. They cannot wander too far away to get lost, safe from predators such as hawks, and also keeps your local wildlife safe from your cat hunting. It also allows you to let your cat outside without having the need for constant supervision. So it is a win-win for everyone! There are a few different types of catios so we want to highlight some of the main pros and cons to each.


Standalone enclosures are units that you can buy that you can place somewhere in your yard and allow your cat to be outside. These are that they tend to be sturdy and larger size. They may come with some fun attachments and hiding spaces as well. However, they are not easily mobile, so you pick a place to assemble it.

  1. This is a waterproof, standalone catio, but offers a small door that you can attach a tunnel to a cat door if desired.
  2. This catio is on wheels, making it a more mobile option! You can also buy multiple to attach together and build a larger catio.


Mesh tunnels or play yards are a more portable catio option. They can fold up and you can bring them places such as campsites, parks, and more. But they also allow you to place them in varies areas around your yard, so your cat has different views and can help fight boredom.

  1. This mesh catio has multiple attachments to make a whole play yard for your cat.
  2. Here is a portable mesh tent with a tunnel for indoor or outdoor use.


There are also enclosures that you can attach to your house to allow your cat access through a window. This eliminates the step of you bringing them outside and your cat can come and go as they please. But you do need a window that can be left semi open at all times. Be cautious that they window area not connected to the catio is blocked off so that your cat cannot get outside any way other than into the catio itself.

  1. Here is one that has a large opening that attaches to your window.
  2. Here is a 4 story, large catio that attaches to window.

Attracting wildlife

It is no secret that cats love to watch wildlife such as birds and squirrels. Attract them to your yard by adding some bird houses, bird feeders, and water sources. This gives your cat close access to watching wildlife, but with your cat inside or in the catio, the wild animals are protected from any hunting your cat may want to do!

Our favorite bird feeder is this one, with 6 hooks for feeders. 


As the weather gets warmer, your cat may start to shed. Using a shedding tool or grooming vacuum can help get all the excess fur off of them. This helps minimize the hair in your house, and helps them adjust to the warmer spring weather! Your cat may need more grooming sessions being outside, even in a catio. A good brush or waterless shampoo can help keep allergens off your cat and prevent them from bringing that inside your home.

We use this pet vacuum during high shedding times and this shedding brush daily.

Getting back outside with the warmer weather is so much fun! Some of these products will help keep your cat safe as they enjoy the spring. Others will help keep your cat and home clean. Regardless of your choice for spending time outside with your cat, the goal is to be safe and have fun.


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