Choosing The Best Catio For Your Cat This Spring
Spring has sprung! Now that the weather is getting warmer, you may be starting to get outside more. You may have taken a break from adventures during the winter, or maybe took your cat out less frequently. But now they may be itching to get back outside again. One great way to get your cat outside safely is with a catio. If hiking or adventuring with your cat is not something you or your cat enjoys, there are so many great items you can get to give your cat the outdoor time still. There are so many benefits to…
Navigating Feline Comfort: The Best Cat Litters of 2023
Embarking on the journey to discover the perfect cat litter for your feline companion is more than a mere quest; it’s a personalized endeavor to enhance your cat’s well-being and elevate your shared living space. The abundance of options available…
Amazon Prime Day Is Coming: Here Is Everything You Need To Know
Amazon Prime Day 2022 is coming. And along with it: amazing deals will be available, similar to the deals you would find on Black Friday. Thousands of products across categories like Pet Supplies, Tech Gadgets, Kitchen Essentials and Home Goods…
Never Have I Ever Been Asked…
Walking your cat is still not a normally accepted thing. The adventure cat community is growing, but it is still rare to see a cat outside on leash for most people. And that leads to some common comments, questions, and…
Meet Raider
My name is Alissa and I and am a cat mom, kitten foster, and work as a veterinarian assistant. But before my life revolved around cats I worked full time as a dancer and theme park performer. When the pandemic…
Dangers Your Cat Can Face In The Fall
It’s officially Fall! With all the changing colors and cooler weathers may be better for adventuring with our feline friends, it could come with some troubles too. There are a few dangers your cat can face in the fall that…
How To Train Two Cats At The Same Time
Many cat owners have more than one cat. But can you train both cats at the same time? What if one is an adult and one is a kitten? Can you use the same training methods? We’re here to help…
How To “Shoulder Cat” On Adventures
You may have heard the term “shoulder cat” on Instagram before, so what does that mean? Well, it simply means when cats like to sit up on their owner’s shoulders when they’re walking. Many adventure cats like to ride on…
Meet Otje And Pluk
Hello everypawdy! Let’s start by saying we’re excited to share our story with you. We will speak about who we are, how we got together and share our journey about becoming outdoor adventure cats. Introduction time My name is Tirza…
How To Read Your Cat’s Body Language
Cats can be very expressive and communicative with their owners. As cat owners, it is our job to try to understand what our cats are trying to tell us. You can do this by learning how to read your cat’s…
How To Take Your Cat To A Restaurant With You
Wouldn’t it be great to have your cat tag along with you while you go out to eat? Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Many places, especially where food is served, will not allow pets inside, unless maybe if they…