
Legal Disclaimer:

TheHikingCat.com is here to provide informational and educational content only. Although we strive to provide the most accurate information to you as possible, we are not professionals and you should not rely solely on the information provided on this website. We are not liable for any loss, injury, or harm that may occur from using this website in any way. It is your responsibility to ensure you and your pet’s safety and seek medical and/or veterinary attention if needed. We recommend you speak to your veterinarian prior to any adventures or trips you may take your pet on.

Affiliate Disclaimer:

We may market/promote/advertise some products on our page and provide an affiliate link. Note that we do receive a commission if you are to purchase from this link. There will be no extra cost to you for using this link. We do this by participating in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is why our affiliate links take you to the product on Amazon. Just because we have a link to the product and receive commission, does not discredit our personal preference. We only use these links for products that we have used ourselves and genuinely recommend. There may be other products promoted that are not through affiliate links, but that we recommend off our personal experience as well.

Sponsored Posts Disclaimer:

Sometimes we may partner up to do a sponsored post on our blog or other social media. We will provide reviews of the product/service, and although we may receive the product for free or discounted, or get a discount code for you, we promise that the post is an honest review and we will never make a post about a product that we do not actually recommend. We would be willing to elaborate more on the product in the posts if you reach out to us with questions/concerns. We will share our experience with the product but cannot guarantee you to have the same experience. We are not to be held liable if you purchase anything and do not have the same experience as us.

Other Disclaimers:

All testimonials or reviews on our website come from real people’s experiences with our services or products. We cannot guarantee that you will have the same experience as them and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions/concerns that you have.


There are no warranties of any kind. All the content, information, etc. on our website are considered “As Is” and “As Available”. We do not offer any refunds on our website. All sales are final.


You agree that you are using this website and its information at your own risk and that you are responsible for yourself and your pet, and how you use the information provided. We are not liable for any harm, injury, loss, or anything else that occurs to you or your pet from using the information provided on this website. We are not professionals in the field and are not held responsible for any missing information or from any misuse of the information stated.