Dangers your cat can face in the fall
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Dangers Your Cat Can Face In The Fall

It’s officially Fall! With all the changing colors and cooler weathers may be better for adventuring with our feline friends, it could come with some troubles too. There are a few dangers your cat can face in the fall that you should be aware of. Some of these may be mild irritants, while others could be life threatening. Here is a list of some things to keep an eye out for while the seasons change!

Temperature Drops

While the cooler weather may be favorable by some cats, it can leave them cold on adventures too. Pack a sweater or jacket for your cat when you go on trips, in case they get cold. Cats like and tolerate different temperatures individually, so watch your cat for any signs of being cold. Check out our article on dressing for winter here for signs to look out for and options for clothes.


Antifreeze has a sweet taste that cats tend to be attracted too. Ethylene Glycol is the main ingredient and is extremely toxic to cats, and can be fatal. It is a common item kept in garages or with cleaning supplies, so if your cat has unsupervised access to the area you keep this, block it off. Your cat may appear “drunk” at first, but can quickly lead to vomiting, urinary issues, and kidney failure.


When the temperature drops, moisture can be trapped in trees, plants, fallen leaves, and more. This favors the growth of molds and fungi, some of which can be toxic to your cat if they eat any. Most mushrooms are toxic to cats as well, so avoid letting your cat eat or play with them as they begin popping up. Ingesting molds, fungus, or mushrooms can cause your cat to drool, pant, overheat, or even have a seizure.

Pest Control/Rodenticides

As the temperatures cool off, small rodents try to find warm around buildings and houses. People any treat the area with rat poison or other pest controls. These are toxic to cats and can cause internal bleeding, cardiac issues, neurologic issues, and more.


String/ribbon decorations should be avoided if your cat will try to play or eat them. These can be very dangerous and get stuck in your cat’s intestines, causing a blockage. This may even require surgery if your cat eats any. Breakable decorations should be avoided as well, as your cat could cut themselves if they break it and try to play with it.


Cats are curious, and a flickering flame may get their attention. The cozy vibes of a fall scented candle in your house may be nice, but know your cat! If they try to sniff or paw at it, they can badly burn themselves. Some cats may even push a candle off the counter, which can lead to fire damage in your home too.


This list is not an all-inclusive list of dangers your cat can face in the fall but includes some very important ones to consider. Walking your cat on a leash rather than letting be outside unsupervised can help prevent a lot of these. Always pay attention to what your cat is sniffing or eating when outside. We hope you enjoy the cooler weather and happy hiking!