How To Entertain Your Adventure Cat Inside
While it is so great that you give your cats the joys of safe outdoor adventures, it can be a bit tricky in the winter months to find ways to entertain your adventure cat inside. Depending on where you live, winter can have some extreme temperatures and last quite a while. Not being able to continue with your normal adventure routine may have an impact on your cat’s behavior and attitude. Maybe your cat seems a bit depressed or moody from missing the outdoors, or maybe your cat is bouncing off the wall and getting destructive from too much built up energy. Whichever way your cat reacts, we want to help you figure out a way to entertain your adventure cat inside! Check out our tips below to keep your kitty mentally stimulated and happy during those cold winter days.
Still Going Outside
Leashed Walks
First off, just because there is snow on the ground does not mean it is too cold for your cat outside. We have an article on How To Dress Your Cat For Winter Adventures, if you want to check that out! You will want to be adequately prepared for the cold and ALWAYS make sure to watch your cat. There can be some serious health risks to your cat if outside in freezing temperatures for too long. Here is our post on these Dangers Your Cat Can Face In The Winter, which includes signs to look out for. If your cat starts experiencing these signs, it is time to head back home. If your cat still enjoys going outside in the cold and snow, we say do it! Just be careful, know what signs to look for, and keep adventures short.
You can put a warm sweater or jacket on them to help keep them warm, and booties on their feet if they will tolerate them. You can also put warm, fluffy blankets in their backpack for them to cuddle up in. Small hand warmers or hot water bottles could be great too, but make sure they are wrapped in a towel or under the blanket and not directly touching your cat. Continuously check the temperature and that your cat is not on them, as they could potentially lead to burns.
Catio Spaces
Catios are a great option to let your cat be outside safely, without you having to walk them. There are many premade catios available to buy, or you can make your own. This offers a screened in, safe, outdoor enclosure for your cat. They can even be attached to your home so your cat can come and go as they please. If you have a catio, you can still let your cat outside in there during the winter. But just like as mentioned above, keep outside time short and always watch your cat for any signs of hypothermia or frostbite.
Car Rides
If your cat likes going in the car, that can be a great way to entertain them as well. Just going for a drive around town and letting them look out the window can give them lots of stimulation. You can even take them along to run errands with you, if there are two people. One person can stay in the car with the cat while the other goes inside to get things. Do not underestimate a good car ride, it can tire them out just as much as an adventure!
Go To Stores That Allow Cats Inside
Along with running errands in the above point, maybe you can even take your cat inside with you! For example, if you need to get more cat food, maybe take them along to the pet store. This is a great thing to do even when it is not winter. There are lots of other stores that allow pets inside. We suggest calling ahead and asking what their policy is before showing up, in case they will not let you in with your cat.
Bringing The Outdoors Inside
Cat TV
There are so many cat TV and YouTube videos out there specifically made for cats! It can include a nature background with animals in the woods, fish swimming around, and more. Leaving these channels on your TV, computer, or phone, can be a great way for your cat to entertain themselves. Just be careful that they are not jumping, scratching, or knocking over any of the electronics they are watching on, as that can lead to them getting hurt or a broken device. We recommend that you are with them the first few times you try it, to make sure they do not hurt themselves. This can also be a great thing to put on for your cats while you are at work for the day.
Bring The Animals To Your Cat
Cats love to watch birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and more outside. Try installing a bird feeder or squirrel feeder outside your window. Have you ever seen those little picnic tables for squirrels? So cute! This can be a way to ensure your cat will have something to watch during the day. If your cat tries to jump at the window or gets irritated that they cannot get to the birds, it may be best to take it away. It could mean they feel teased and can get frustrated with the situation.
Cat Grass
If you cannot take your cat outside, why not bring the outside to them! Cat grass is sold at most pet stores and can be a great way to get your cat to feel more outdoors. Especially placing it near a window so they can munch on it while watching the birds, or even hide behind it like they may do outside. There may be other plants you can get in your house as well. Just be sure to research first that they are not toxic to cats.
Play Time
Set Aside Play Time With Your Cat
Always make time to play indoors with your cat. Just giving them toys does not make them play with them. Find out your cat’s favorite toys and spend a set amount of time with them each day to play. We recommended at least 20-30 minutes each day, preferably twice a day. One thing that works great is to play with them before you go to bed. This helps tire them out for the night to make sure they do not wake you up to play. These games can include things such as fetch, hide and seek, or our cat’s personal favorite, moving your toes under the bed covers!
New Toys / Rotate Toys
Cat toys are a must have, but which ones? Every cat is different, and you may need to experiment to see what your cat likes. Some cats prefer interactive toys that move or make noise. Others may prefer a toy that you have to throw or play with them to use.
Cat toys also do not need to be expensive, or even real cat toys. Cardboard boxes, paper bags, etc. can go a long way! Just make sure the bags are not plastic, as that can lead to trouble if they get stuck. For paper bags, make sure to cut the handles off before, so your cat does not get stuck in those.
Cats can get bored of their toys. Rotating toys is a great way to prevent this. If they have a lot of toys, take some and put them away. Every couple of weeks, take the old toys away and put the new toys out. This can help trick your cat into thinking these are new and interesting toys and may help them start to play with those again.
Did you know that not all cats react to catnip? It is actually a genetic trait, so if your cat lacks it, they will not respond to the smell of it. Also, it develops over time, so kittens under six months are typically not affected by catnip either. If your cat is reactive to catnip, it can go one of two ways: either your cat will get hyper or they will be very mellow. Response is very individual. But if you know your cat likes catnip, getting toys with catnip in them, sprinkling it on a blanket or their cat tree, or even sprinkling it on toys that do not have catnip in them, can help entice them to play.
Mental Stimulation
Cat Puzzles
Puzzles are a great way to stimulate your cat’s mind. The most common type is a food puzzle. The concept behind this is that the treat will be underneath something, and your cat has to move pieces to get to it. There are many options available online, but you can easily make your own as well! You can poke holes in a cardboard box or Tupperware container, use toilet paper rolls, or incorporate some of their current toys. Have fun with it and watch your cat work hard to get the treat.
One thing we want to add is to make sure that it is not too challenging for your cat. It can become very frustrating for them if they cannot figure it out. If you see them getting agitated or aggressive, we recommend taking the puzzle away, making it easier, or figuring out another way to do it.
Clicker Training
Clicker training is very useful for adventure cats. It can help keep them safe outside with commands such as: come, sit, stay, or to jump onto the backpack. Clicker training also works great for teaching your cats tricks. This is another great way to mentally stimulate your cat and challenge them to figure out what it is you are training to get them to do. You can buy clickers online and there are countless YouTube videos with trick tutorials and ideas. Just be careful with what treats you give them during your training sessions and keep sessions short. Too many high calorie treats can lead to some unwanted weight gain.
“Hunting” For Food
There are some mice toys available that you can put some treats or your cat’s food into and hide around the house. With this, your cat has to “hunt” for these mice in order to get their food. It is a great way to feed into their natural behavior, and helps stimulate them as well. This may not work out as well in multi-cat households, since you cannot guarantee each cat will get the right amount of food. But it may still work as a way to give treats. You can hide the mice, and once a cat finds one, separate them until the others find theirs.
Cat Trees, Scratchers, and Window Hammocks
Cat trees are a great way to give your cat their own space to climb and scratch, without it being on your furniture. Cat trees provide a fun place for your cat to hide and climb, which can help prevent some boredom. But if you place this next to a big window, if can also be a great way for them to sit and watch the wildlife outside. It can also be a great place to sunbathe for your cat. Scratchers are great, and often come on cat trees, but buying multiple to have around the house can help encourage your cat to not scratch on your furniture. Window hammocks are also a fun way for your cat to get up high and see outside, and cozy for them too.
Redecorate Your Home
Moving furniture around and changing the scenery can entice your cat to play more. They will investigate and check out the new set up and can see the room in a different way. While cats are creatures of routine, spicing it up a little can help sometimes!
Cat Climbing Walls
Cat walls are a fun and unique way to get some climbing space in your place for your cat, without it taking up any of your floor space. There are lots of premade options online, but if you are handy, this is something you can DIY too. It can include shelves, tunnels, bridges, or other fun obstacles. Cats love to climb and be high up, so allowing them to climb up your wall safely can be a great way for them to play. This may not be an option for everyone since it does require you to install into your wall. If you are renting a place, we suggest talking to your landlord before adding any cat walls.
Play Dates
If you know your cat likes other cats, try to set up some play dates. Just like how dogs go to dog parks, you can meet at someone’s house with your cats and let them play together. This of course is not for every cat. Many times, if the other cat is not a part of your cat’s daily routine or household, there may be some dominance or aggression. We recommend you do this only if you know your cat is friendly with others.
Cat Wheels
Similar to hamster wheels, but for cats! These have gained popularity in recent years. If your cat will use it, it’s a great way for them to run and burn off some energy. However, it is definitely not for every cat, and many will not take to it. Cat wheels may be something you want to try out first before committing to one, as they can be a little pricey.
We hope this list helped to give you some ideas on how to entertain your adventure cat when inside. Adventure cats can get bored much more easily than other cats, as they are used to more exercise and enrichment. In the winter (or even summer), when temperatures are too extreme to go outside, there may be some behavioral issues coming to light due to boredom. Hopefully a few of the ideas on this list are able to keep your adventure cat happy during times where outdoor adventures may be on hold for a while. Let us know if you try any of these, or if you found anything else that works for your cat!

Meet Gato
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