How To Have A Safe Valentine’s Day With Cats
Spending your Valentine’s Day with cats sounds like the perfect day, right? If you have a significant other, what better way to show them you love them than with some fun gifts like flowers, chocolate, and more. While there are some known dangers to cats around this holiday, there may some less known toxins as well. The best way to show you love someone is to give them cat friendly gifts, so that you are not putting any cute kitties in harms way. As cat parents ourselves, we are always making sure that what we bring into them home is safe for our cats and have a plan for locking it up if it is not. So, what is not safe for your cats? Here is our list of the things to avoid to have a safe Valentine’s Day with cats in your home.
Common Gifts That Can Be Harmful To Your Cat:
- Giving someone a bouquet of flowers is such a popular gift for Valentine’s Day, but if the person has a cat, and can quickly become a disaster. Lilies in particular are extremely toxic to cats, and just ingesting a small amount can lead to kidney failure or death to the cat. There are a few other plants and flowers that are toxic, so we highly recommend you do some research and send a cat friendly bouquet! And if you receive flowers, double check they are safe before leaving them out in your cat’s reach. If you think your cat ate some chocolate, please take it to a vet as soon as possible. This is a true emergency.
- Along with lilies, roses can be a serious concern as well, and they have thorns. While they are not toxic if your cat eats them, your cat can get punctured and injure themselves if chewing on the thorns.
- Many people know chocolate is bad for dogs, but it has the same affect on cats. If you get any chocolates, make sure to keep them away in an area that your cat cannot reach. If you think your cat ate some chocolate, please take it to a vet as soon as possible. There can be some serious medical issues that arise from eating chocolate.
Gum/Other Candy
- Many candies and gums contain a sugarless sweetener called xylitol. If your cat eats this, it can cause their blood sugar to drop significantly. Low blood sugar can give side effects such as seizures. Xylitol can also cause liver failure in your cat. If you think your cat ingested something with xylitol, please call your vet immediately.
Grapes/Raisins and Nuts
- While grapes and raisins may not be super popular in Valentine’s Day treats, they can be very dangerous. Just a small amount can cause kidney failure in your cat. Macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, and more can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea in your cat. Just to be safe, always store any treats/human food out of reach from your cats, no matter what it is.
- Cats are curious animals. They will paw at or put their face in things that they should not. This includes fire. If you have a fireplace or a candle lit, the flickering flame can be enticing to cats. Please do not leave any animal unsupervised with open flames at any time.
- Another thing to note with candles is if they are scented. Some cats may be sensitive to certain smells, and it can cause them to sneeze or have watery eyes.
- Often times, gifts are wrapped, and that wrapping can be potentially dangerous to your cat. Strings and ribbons are very common for cats to chew on and swallow. They can end up getting caught in your cat’s intestines and cause a blockage, needing surgery This can be quite a big issue, so after unwrapping gifts, clean everything up when you are done. If you think your cat may have ate something, call your vet to discuss what to do.
- Valentine’s Day may be the perfect night to have a glass a wine or a homemade cocktail, but do not let your cat get a taste. Cats can not only get drunk from alcohol, but it can also cause liver or brain damage. Seizures, trouble breathing, and going into a coma can occur from just a little sip.
- NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as Ibuprofen are another thing that is extremely toxic to cats. And if you had a little too much to drink the night before, you may be reaching for it the next morning. Be sure your medicine is stowed away to where your cat cannot reach it. If your cat eats any, it can cause kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, and more medical issues.
Giving Someone A Cat/Kitten As A Gift
- Gifting someone a pet is typically not a good idea. They may not even want a pet, can’t have a pet due to their housing situation, cannot afford a pet, or want a different type or breed. Unfortunately, many pets that are gifted to someone over holidays end up in shelters. Instead, maybe offer to take the person to a shelter to pick out a pet they want. This way, they have the chance to say whether or not they want one, and if they do, they can pick it out themselves.
Show Your Cat Some Love:
Go On An Adventure
- If the weather is nice, a fun adventure could be a great way to spend time together. You can go to your cat’s favorite trail and let them explore and enjoy the day.
New Adventure Gear
- Is it time to upgrade some adventure gear? Maybe a new harness or leash, new jackets or sweaters for the winter, or get ready for the summer with a life jacket or cooling equipment. Whatever you need, now is the perfect excuse to splurge on gifts to spoil your cat.
New Toys
- What cat doesn’t love new toys, at least for a day, right? Often times, cats lose interest in their toys, so bringing in some new ones can spice things up! And sometimes even a simple cardboard box or shoe box from a gift to someone else can do the trick.
New Bed or Blanket
- Being cozy and comfy is a must! Maybe it is time for an upgrade on your cat’s bed. If not, maybe add a nice fluffy blanket for them to snuggle up with. Cats sleep a lot, you want to make sure they have the perfect spot to do so.
Favorite Food or Treats
- Spoiling your cat with some extra treats or their favorite food that they may not get often is a great way to show your love for them. Just one day or giving them a little extra will not be a big deal. But be careful not to overdo it. Too much can give your cat an upset stomach.
- You can even try making your own homemade cat treats! There are lots of easy recipes online, but even just freezing some low sodium chicken or tuna broth can be great! Make sure there is no seasonings like garlic or onion in there though. And these should only be given in moderation, as too much is not great in the long run.
Brush Your Cat
- Cats often groom each other to show their affection. You can brush your cat to show them your love and affection for them. Just note that some cats do not like to be brush, and if your cat does not enjoy it, do not force them toTake a Nap and Snuggle
- While this is totally dependent on if your cat likes to cuddle or not, if they do, this can be a great way to bond. If your cat sleeps and cuddles with you, they feel safe with you. So, put on a romantic movie and snuggle up with your kitty!
Valentine’s Day is all about sharing the love. But Valentine’s Day with cats can end up with a visit to the emergency vet if you are not careful! It is best to avoid some of the dangers on this list to ensure you and your cat have a safe holiday this year. Show the love by spoiling your cat and spending some extra quality time with them. It can go a long way. Whether you buy them some new things or spend the day cuddling, we’re sure they are going to love it! And they will appreciate you keeping them safe and healthy too.

Meet Curie
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