How To Help Your Cat Feel Safe In New Places
Cats are creatures of habit and routine. They may not like new places right away or maybe take some extra time to adjust. For adventure cats, there are many times they are in unfamiliar areas. This could be things like a new trail you’re hiking or a new house/hotel you’re staying in. Regardless, you want to help your cat feel safe in new places, making them feel confident and secure. This can help make traveling much more enjoyable for both you and your cat. We wanted to share our top tips and decided to split it up into three categories. So, we have tips to prepare before you go to a new place, as well as our top tips for new places both inside and outside. We hope this can help you help your cat feel safe in new places you may explore together!
Top 5 Tips: Before You Go:
You want to be as prepared as possible to make sure your cat has the smoothest transition. The more natural and less stressful you can make the situation, the more it will help your cat feel safe in a new place, whether it is inside or outside!
Build trust
- Trust is the most important part of every relationship. It is what makes your cat know that no matter where they are, they are safe if you are there. This is crucial for adventure cats because they are going outside and to unfamiliar places more often. If your cat does not trust you, it can lead to them trying to escape when they get scared.
Positive reinforcement
- When first training to be an adventure cat, making sure they associate new things with positive notions is key. Positive reinforcement can be done using their favorite treats, toys, cuddles, or anything else they really enjoy. This makes them connect the experience with good things, and they will be more likely to want to try it again.
Clicker training
- We have a whole post dedicated to clicker training because we truly believe it is the most effective way to train your cat. You can check it out here. For adventure cats, it is a great way to backpack and harness train. You can teach them to come when you call them, sit and stay, or jump into their backpack. All of these things are very useful when in new places and a great way to make sure you can rely on your cat to respond.
Getting used to car rides
- With time and patience, you can help your cat enjoy car rides, which is essential when traveling. Whether it is a short trip to your local park or trail, or a long road trip to explore, your cat needs to feel comfortable in the car. If your cat is not used to the car, check out our article on how to get them used to the car here. It also includes options for safety belts and carriers to use when driving.
Getting used to the backpack or carrier
- Of course, when you take your cat to new places, you will need to transport them in something. Whether this is their cat backpack, a carrier, or a specific car carrier, they should feel comfortable in there before you go. If your cat feels safe inside their carrier, they are less stressed during the trip. Check out How To Get Your Cat To Love Their Backpack here, which also can work for carriers.
Top 5 Tips For New Places Outside
Exploring new trails and parks is so fun, and it is even better when we can bring our cats along. But have you ever noticed that your cat may take a little longer to feel comfortable the first time at a new trail? This is not unusual at all, and in fact very normal. The best way to help your cat feel safe and confident at a new place is to ease them into it. Here are our tips when exploring new outdoor places with your cat.
Bring the essentials
- Always be prepared for anything, that way you are ready to comfort your cat if need be. Our top “essentials” are:
- Harness and leash – make sure their harness fits properly so that they cannot slip out.
- Cat backpack – great place for them to hide if needed, or for you to carry them.
- Pet first aid kit – just in case for any emergencies
- ID tag – with all your contact information on it just in case they get lost
- Treats – this can help distract your cat if they are nervous. We find that the squeeze up treats are most enjoyable for our cats when outside. It is also a great way to keep them hydrated.
Dress for the weather
- It is never fun when you are over or under dressed for the weather. Being too cold or too hot while trying to enjoy a beautiful new place can really put a damper on your experience there. A rule of thumb is, if you are cold, your cat probably is too. Have a jacket or sweater for them, just in case they start to get cold. You can read our post on How To Dress Your Cat For Winter Adventures here. In the summer, it is best to have as little on them as possible so that they do not overheat.
Give them time to warm up
- Sometimes, it just takes a little time. Try leaving them in their backpack for the first 5-10 minutes of the walk. They can get all the smells of the place and see everything, but still feel safe inside their backpack. Once they feel confident, they might ask to get out of the backpack and walk themselves. If you let them out and they show fear (trying to hide, tail tucked, meowing/crying), then put them back in the backpack for a little more time.
Find a quiet spot
- When going to a new place, lots of noise and stimulation can be overwhelming. If possible, try to find a quiet area before letting your cat out of their backpack. Let them get used to this area first before heading into the more populated areas. You can also try to find some logs, short trees, or small bushes for your cat to “hide” and observe. Let them come out on their own time, otherwise it can ruin the experience for them.
Know the trail rules
- Before going to a new trail, make sure you know the rules. First, make sure that it is a pet-friendly trail. If a park is labeled as “no dogs” that typically means no cats too. But you can always call ahead and check to make sure! Second, check the leash laws. The best option for adventure cats is “on leash” trails. Off leash dogs can be a real threat to cats on leash outside. However, just because a trail is on leash, does not mean everyone will follow the rules. Third, know the area and the wildlife that you may run into. If there are big hawks/birds, they can try to swoop down on your cat. Foxes, coyotes, cougars, and more depending on your area can also be looking at your cat as prey. Always be alert and aware of your surroundings.
- Always be prepared for anything, that way you are ready to comfort your cat if need be. Our top “essentials” are:
Top 5 Tips For New Places Inside
Many times, when traveling to new places, you may need to stay in a hotel, air B&B, or a friend/family member’s house. Sometimes, cats can get stressed in new environments. One advantage to adventure cats is that many times, they do handle the adjustment a bit easier than cats that do not routinely join their owners. However, this is not true for all. So here are some tips to help your cat feel safe and confident in a new hotel or home.
Bring the essentials
- When staying in a new place overnight, our top “essentials” are:
- Litterbox – whether it is a travel litterbox or their usual one from home does not matter. But they need a place to go.
- Food and water + bowls – you will need to feed them and offer them fresh water at some point. But don’t forget the bowls too! Feeding them can be a great way to distract them and let them get comfortable too.
- Toys – bringing lots of toy options, or at least their top favorites, is a great way to help them relax and have some fun.
- Bed/Blanket – having something familiar from home that they like to sleep on can help them feel safe in a new place.
- Treats – you can never go wrong with treats! Treats are positive reinforcement that your cat is doing good, so giving them treats helps them know they are in a good place.
Cat proof the room
- When staying in new places, your cat might get into some things they shouldn’t. Make sure there are no wires they can chew on, flowers/plants they can eat, or places they can get stuck. You know your cat best and what things they may get into, so try your best to keep the room clear of those things.
Give them time to explore
- Allowing your cat to walk around and check everything out on their own terms helps them feel more at ease. Give them this uninterrupted time to smell everything and take it all in. You can stay in the room and just watch them to make sure they don’t get into any trouble, but try not to go up to them or talk to them while they explore.
Give them a place to hide
- Hiding places are great to help your cat feel safe. This can include under a bed, their backpack, under some blankets, or however they want. If they have any common hiding places at home, bring that along if possible. Sometimes a box or suitcase can do the trick if they need it.
Pheromone/calming products
- There are some calming products that let off a smell similar to a pheromone cats let off when they feel relaxed. There are sprays you can get, and spray your cats bed/backpack, the walls, floor, blanket, or anything else in the area they will be in. They also come as wall plug ins too. Many of these can be found on Amazon or Chewy too.
- When staying in a new place overnight, our top “essentials” are:
The main goal when traveling with your cat is for them to enjoy themselves. You can help your cat feel safe in new places to ensure they get the most out of it. We think the best part of traveling is sharing it with our adventure cats. It is so amazing to have the opportunity to share the world with them. But of course, their safety and well-being always comes first. Doing everything you can to make sure they feel secure is super important. We hope our tips help you and your cat out next time you go exploring any new places.
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