Keep your cat cool
How To

How To Keep Your Cat Cool On Summer Hikes

We are in the middle of summer and temperatures can get quite warm! While this may be a good time for you to go out and explore some new trails, it might not be for your cat. Cats cannot cool themselves down as easily as people can. We have to be extra careful that they do not get dehydrated or have a heat stroke. This means knowing what signs to look out for! We want to make sure you are prepared and know how to keep your cat cool before embarking on those summer adventures!

Prepare For The Heat

Know the signs/dangers

Heat stroke, dehydration, and even sunburn are all things your cat could experience in the summer heat. It is important to be able to recognize the signs your cat may be experiencing these, as well as know what to do. Some signs include panting, drooling, uncoordinated walk, vomiting, lethargic, or glazed/confused look in their eyes. These signs all indicate you need to stop and get your cat cooled down. Check out our article on the common dangers of summer hikes for cats here. We talk about these 3 common dangers, the signs of each, what to do for each, and prevention!

Do not cool down your cat too quickly

If your cat gets overheated, do not cool them down too quickly. A dramatic change in body temperature could cause other problems, so aim for a steady decrease.

Know the closest ER vet

Whenever you go hiking with your cat, it is always good to know the closest emergency vet clinic. Not just for overheating, but injuries too. Being able to get your cat to a vet quickly can play a huge role in their recovery.

Go at cooler times in the day

Aim to hike during the cooler times, early morning and late evening. When the sun is not as intense is the perfect times to have your cat enjoy the outdoors.


Backpack Set-Up To Stay Cool

Make sure it has good ventilation

Your cat’s backpack can actually quickly become a hot box for them in the summer. If it is not properly ventilated, heat can get trapped inside, making it dangerous for your cat. Look for backpacks with mesh sidings/windows and openings. You can also leave the backpack open with your cat inside to allow for air flow if possible.

Cooling mat/towel with ice block

Placing a cooling mat on the bottom of the backpack can help. You could also wrap an ice block in a towel for your cat to lay on. This can offer them a cooler surface to relax on in the backpack.

Clip-on fan

Stroller fans/clip-on fans are a great way to circulate air inside the backpack. You can clip them on to the top opening and leave it open. This will circulate air inside for your cat. These little fans are also great to just hold in your cat’s direction while on a break in the shade.


Keep Your Cat Cool While You Are Out

Check the ground with your hand

Be sure to always feel the pavement first with your hand. If it is too hot for you to hold your hand on for 10 seconds, it will be too hot for your cat. There could be a risk of them burning their paw pads if the pavement is too hot.

Find shaded spots for breaks

Getting out of direct sun is the first thing you should do when you notice your cat overheating. Once in the shaded area, you can do other things on this list.

Wet fur

Do not use ice water or very cold water, as that could cool them down too quickly. Do not pour the water on your cat or dunk them in water either. Just wet your hands and run them over your cat’s body. Don’t forget to get their ears and paws too!

Give water/wet food/lickable treats

Hydration is key! If your cat is overheating, you want to prevent dehydration. If your cat will drink water, offer them some. However, if they don’t, canned food or squeeze up treats are another great way to get some moisture into them. Our cats favorite treats are Tiki Stix.

Cooling bandana

There are some great cooling vests and bandanas available to help keep your cat cool while you are out and about. You just wet the item and then put in on your cat. This helps them cool down, just as wetting their fur does. Travfurler has a great cooling vest that is velcro and easy to put on cats. They even gave us a discount code (PASTAPETS10) if you are interested in any of their products!


Other Things You Can Do At Home

Brush routinely

Brushing is a great way to keep your cat cool. Getting off the excess hair can help them regulate their body temperature better. Brushing every day, or even just before adventures, can be a big help.

Have the air conditioner on/fans on

We know not everyone has AC, but fans are great too. Anything that can help circulate air can help cool down at least that room.

Close the curtains to make shade

Cats often love to sunbathe inside. You can always leave their favorite spot available to them but close all the rest. Not allowing the sun to beam into your home can help keep it cooler for your cat.


While summer may be a great time for ourselves, it may be dangerous for our cats. When in doubt, it is best to leave your cat at home. You do not want to risk an episode of heat stroke by having them tag along. Adventures are all about our cat’s enjoyment, so if the weather is unbearable for them, they are best at home anyway. Knowing how to keep your cat cool if they do join you is very important. Hopefully, these tips help while you’re out this summer! Happy Hiking