Meet Ruger
Hi there! My name is Kim and this is my cat Ruger. Our story starts like thousands of others… We met at the Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter (UPAWS) on a busy day in May of 2015. I was working at the shelter that day and helping to prepare a litter of 8 week old foster kittens for adoption. His foster dad set the crate down on the counter and I peeked in to see their precious faces. Of all the kittens piled together, there was one that immediately caught my attention. Maybe it was his wild eyes or his tiny “tuxedo” coat. Whatever it was, I felt an instant connection with him. I knew right away that he was meant to be my buddy… so the next day I filed the adoption papers and brought him home.
I named the little tyke Ruger because he was a “pistol” of a kitten. His confidence never wavered, even when meeting our German Shepherd Zoey for the very first time. In fact, as soon as he saw her he puffed up and charged after her like a bullet, sending her away in fright. We laughed and Ruger learned to chill- but always made sure he was well respected by the dog.
I could tell early on that this little kitten had a BIG personality. He kept me on my toes by always getting into trouble… whether it be stealing food from the pantry or lunchboxes or destroying the bamboo plant on the windowsill… His mischief-making had me coming up with unique ways to keep him happy, both mentally and physically. We started by harness training indoors right away and once he got a knack for that, we started to venture outdoors. We began the outings on the front porch and graduated to the backyard, but soon I knew he was ready for more. It didn’t take long for Ruger to get comfortable enough to start exploring new parks and hiking trails. We’re a family that loves recreation and Ruger enjoys being a part of that. Since 2015 he’s gone hiking, biking, camping, hammocking, snowshoeing and kayaking with us. It’s been nothing but a life of adventure for him. His most favorite activity as of late is kayaking. He enjoys just lying in my lap and throwing his whiskers in the wind to take in the fresh air and smells. There is a special joy that comes from adventures with a cat… I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I haven’t worked for the animal shelter in a few years, but I’m still a very passionate advocate for adoption. I use Ruger’s story to amplify the joys of adopting and to also break the stereotype that cats are solitary creatures who are just house pets with no potential to do great things. We often foster singleton kittens (orphans without siblings) and each one that comes through our house is introduced to harness and leash training. I think that having a cat comfortable with a harness is so important, even if they do not adventure. Harness training can add another level of security for any pet who travels, whether for leisure or just for regular vet visits. It’s always a joy to work with each individual and help them build confidence before getting adopted.
Out of all the things that I have done and learned with Ruger, his companionship is what means the most to me. Ruger has helped me adopt a new patience and appreciation for our time together. When we hit the trails or the lake, we take things at a slower pace. This allows for the stress of day-to-day life to melt away, even if only for an afternoon. When we go out together, nothing else matters but what is happening in the moment. His companionship has encouraged me to take a step back from the stress of everyday life and to take a deep breath, enjoy the little things, and explore just a little bit more.
You can follow along on their adventures on Instagram at @yooper_adventure_cat
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