• Keep your cat cool
    How To

    How To Keep Your Cat Cool On Summer Hikes

    We are in the middle of summer and temperatures can get quite warm! While this may be a good time for you to go out and explore some new trails, it might not be for your cat. Cats cannot cool…

  • Hiking With Your Cat
    How To

    What To Do After Hiking With Your Cat

    Last week we wrote about what to do before you go hiking with your cat. But what about after? Anything special you should do? There are a few basics you can do after a hike, both for you and your…

  • Help your cat feel safe
    How To,  Travel Tips

    How To Help Your Cat Feel Safe In New Places

    Cats are creatures of habit and routine. They may not like new places right away or maybe take some extra time to adjust. For adventure cats, there are many times they are in unfamiliar areas. This could be things like…

  • Keep Your Cat Safe Outside
    How To

    How To Keep Your Cat Safe Outside

    Letting your cat enjoy the great outdoors gives them exercise, mental stimulation, and enjoyment. So why not just let your cat outside and they can come back when they are done? The biggest reason – they are not as safe…

  • Meet Curie
    Meet Our Friends

    Meet Curie

    Hi everyone, my name is Brandaise and I’m Curie the Adventure Cat’s mom! My love of cats goes way back to my childhood, having grown up in a rural area where there were always plenty of barn cats to love…

  • 2020 Recap - tongues out
    How To

    This Is Our 2020 Recap With Adventure Cats

    The year of 2020 is officially behind us, so it is time for a 2020 recap! It was a crazy year, but also a year of exciting experiences for us. We were able to spend more time bonding and getting…