• How To

    Steps To Introduce A New Cat To Current Pets

    Getting a new cat is exciting, but will your current pets think so as well? Bringing a new cat into the home can be stressful to your cats already living there. Introductions between new and current pets must be done…

  • How To

    Top 10 Tips To Successfully Kitten Proof Your Home

    Why kitten-proof your home? Kittens are very curious animals and will explore every inch of their new home. To make sure they stay safe, the best thing to do is kitten-proof it before bringing them home. This can help prevent…

  • How To

    Top 8 Things To Know Before Getting A Cat

    Are you thinking about getting a cat, but are unsure if it is the right fit for you? Cats can add so much enrichment to our lives and truly are amazing animals. They can offer so much love and companionship.…

  • How To


    Are you thinking about adding a new cat to your household? First off, that is very exciting! Cats can make great companions and add lots of joy and entertainment to your everyday life. But they can also be quite a…