What It Is Really Like Walking Your Cat
“Walking a cat is not like walking a dog”. If you have thought about walking your cat, you have probably heard people say this. While it may hold some truth, that does not mean you shouldn’t give walking your cat a try! The biggest difference is probably the pace of the walk. Often times, cats may just want to sit and look around when outside, rather than going for walks like dogs usually do. However, this is not always the case. Cats can get used to going on walks and enjoy it, just like dogs! It is normal to see dogs out walking, so why not cats, right?
Walking your cat has so many benefits! We are big supporters in harness and leash training if your cat enjoys it. Check out our article on all the benefits of walking your cat on a leash here.
The Power Of Social Media
Social media is a great way to connect with others in the adventure cat community! And it is a great way to see where everyone else explores. There are so many Instagram accounts for cats that go with their owners. It is so amazing to see all these cats out exploring the world, hiking beautiful places, and living their best lives! But always remember that Instagram is a highlight reel of the good times people have. They show all the amazing photos of their adventures, but not always the behind the scenes of these trips. Sometimes, the reality of walking your cat may be completely different.
Of course, this post is not meant to discourage you from walking your cat, but actually the opposite! Having the right expectations for your walk is very important. This helps you know what you are getting into so you do not get discouraged when your cat isn’t doing some of the things you may “see” other cats do on Instagram. These Instagram posts are just one short snapshot of a walk, and not an overview of the whole thing. It is very likely that beyond those amazing photos they post, the rest of their walks may be filled with backpack rides, slow paced walking, or sitting in one spot.
So, what is it really like to walk you cat? Here are our top 5 tips on what to expect!
Whenever you walk your cat, it is ALWAYS all about them
Ever hear people say “you don’t walk a cat, a cat walks you”, or something similar to that? Well, it is pretty accurate! Cats like to do their own thing outside and if you take your cat outside with you, you should let them do just that. Always pay attention to their body language and make sure they are comfortable.
Taking your cat on a walk is for them and their enjoyment. If your cat gets stressed outside or does not feel comfortable, do not force it. Not every cat is cut out to be an adventure cat, and that is okay. Just always remember that walking your cat is for their benefit. So, enjoy that moment with them and strengthen your bond together. Let them lead the way and see where they take you on this adventure!
You may not actually walk much
A lot of the time, cats like to just stay in one spot and smell everything or watch the birds/wildlife. There have been so many times where we will end up staying in one spot for 20 minutes or longer just because the cats are enjoying that area. This is great, as it gives them the mental stimulation, even if we stay put. Some days, walking your cat may not actually involve much walking!
Every time is different
Every time you take your cat out will be different, even if it is the same walk you had done just the day before. There will be different smells, different sounds, and different sights each time. Some things may not scare your cat one time, but then will the next. It is always good to be prepared and have back up plans if the adventure is not going the way you thought. Maybe have a backpack to carry them in, know the quickest way back home, or have treats/toys that they love to distract them.
Be prepared to carry them
Having a backpack is so important! Not only is it a great place for your cat to retreat to if they get scared, but it allows for you to carry them on days they may not want to walk. Sometimes, our cats may just want to com along for the ride, and not walk themselves. A backpack gives them the opportunity to see everything but stay safe inside and be a little lazy if they wish.
Talking to people when out
While the adventure cat community is growing, it is still fairly uncommon to see cats out on the hiking trails. This often leads to people wanting a photo or to pet your cat. If you cat does not like strangers, do not be afraid to say no and keep your distance. You are there to protect your cat and help them feel safe.
It can also come with people asking your questions. In our experience, most people have been genuinely curious or ask for advice to help them with their cat. But, of course, there will be people who will say mean comments about how its not right or that you are stressing out your cat. Just always remember that you take your cat out with you for their enjoyment. If they have a great time outside, there is nothing wrong with giving your cat that opportunity. Do not let the any negative comments stop you from doing that for your cat.
At the end of the day, you know your cat best
You are the one who can best help your cat feel comfortable. By reading their body language and knowing their ques, you can help them feel safe and enjoy their time outside. Pay attention to what their needs are. This can not only change based on the type of adventure, but multiple times throughout the walk. For example, if your cat is scared of people, bikes, or dogs, scoop them up on the backpack when they pass. You want to make every outdoor experience as positive as possible for your cat, so they can continue to enjoy it with you!
Always remember that not every cat is suited for the leash walking lifestyle. If you want to start, we suggest checking out our article Adventure Cat 101 to see if your cat has the right personality for it. If they do not feel comfortable outside, do not put them in that situation. Cats can be perfectly happy being indoor only and should not be forced into being walked if they do not enjoy it. But if they do enjoy it, there are so many benefits to giving them a safe outdoor experience!
We hope this post helps you take comfort in knowing you are not alone if your cat has “off days”. It is totally normal, and every adventure is different with cats. The best we can do is keep them safe and comfortable. We hope you have some fun adventures with your cats as the spring weather is coming! Enjoy!
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